Sunday, February 15, 2009

#5 The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde is another arthur who I really enjoy their writing. He is probably one of the wittiest writers I have read. As I think about it, it's amazing to me that I haven't read more of his work. I read Picture of Dorian Gray in highschool. I don't remember if it was witty but I remember really enjoying it, mostly because it was really dark. Anyway, Loralee wanted to pick this for bookclub however she didn't realize it was a play and that it was very very small. So she combined it with The Great Gatsby. I had already seen the movie version and really enjoyed it and already knew a lot of the witty lines and repartee. But it was fun to read to. I think it would be so fun to perform. I plan on reading An Ideal Husband soon.

1 comment:

Framed said...

I saw the play performed in Cedar City and loved it. The movie with Colin Firth is wonderful also. But I probably won't ever read it. I hate to read plays.