Saturday, April 14, 2007

Believing Christ by Stephen E. Robinson

I absolutely loved this book. It could possibly change my whole way of thinking and my life as a consequence. I might need to read it every six months or so to remind myself of its teachings. Believing Christ portrays the meaning of the atonement in such a simple way. I don't think I had ever really understood it before. The basic premise is that all humans are sinners. There is just no way around it. However, God will not allow anyone with sin into his celestial glory. This is a problem. Only with the atonement of Jesus Christ can we overcome this. He suffered for all our sins so that we would be clean enough to live with our Heavenly Father. I always thought that it was up to me to become perfect or at least really close before that could happen. This book helps me to not let the guilt of my sins overcome me to the point that I think there is no point and that I will never reach my heavenly glory. All I have to do is have faith that Jesus Christ will save me as long as I do the best I can.

I think everyone should read this book especially those who are close to losing hope because they are so hard themselves for their sins. I have never had anything explain this concept to me so well.

Quotes that I love:

"What the Lord is saying here is this: 'It doesn't matter what you did. Whatever it was, no matter how horrible or vile, is not the issue. The issue here is that whatever your sin was or is, I can erase it, I can clean you up and make you innocent, pure, and worthy, and I can do it today; I can do it now.'"

"We all fail by differing degrees, but we all fail. That is why we all need help, why we all need a Savior, and why needing help and needing a Savior are no disgrace."

"..he never requires more than I am able to give, and what he does require of me is always appropriate to my knowledge and circumstances....My obligation is to give all I have, not all someone else has, to be as good as I can be, not as good as someone else is."

There are many many more great things in this book. I found myself crying while reading at a bus stop because the words touched my heart and soul so deeply. I really felt that what I had read was true. That I can be saved, as long as I do my best.


i i eee said...

I haven't read this in a long time. It's time to pick it up again. Thanks for reminding me. ;)

Framed said...

It sounds like I need to read this as well. I got a little blurry just reading your review. This books sounds like a good Mother's Day present. tee hee

Alyson said...

Excellent book, and excellent review. It's been a few years since I read this book, and I really need to read it again, as well. Maybe I should buy myself the book on CD and listen to it at least once a year.

Booklogged said...

My husband has been trying to get me to read this book for years - that may be the reason I haven't. I am so darn rebellious.

Anonymous said...

I also think this book should be read often by everyone. It was voted as the number one best inspirational book by a poll of 300 professors and institute teachers.* Even to those who have read the book multiple times, may I recommend the audio version read by Brother Robinson himself... it provides even better insight into the material and is good for listening as well.

*see Arnold K. Garr, “Which are the Most Important Mormon Books,” in BYU Studies, 41(3) pp.35-47. at )

Tristi Pinkston said...

I loved this book as well. Sometimes I need things explained to me in an unusual way before I really "get" it, and for some reason, the author had just the right way to approach me.