This book had its moments but I would not reccommend it to everyone. It was interesting in its take on the Wizard of Oz story from the point of view of the Wicked Witch of the West. It goes from her birth (she is born green, complete shock to her parents) to her death. She is not the nicest person but not the meanest either. She just likes to be left alone and left to her own ideals. The reader ends up liking her and her death is okay because it is really an accident blown out of proportion. The wizard is really a tyrant who orders her death in order to silence her. The book is mostly a satire for how we may see people who want change because they view their government as wrong. They must be evil if we do not agree with them.
The book does leave a lot of things unanswered and maybe they are answered in the sequel "Son of a Witch". Haven't decided if I care enough to find out. I have a feeling that they may not be. Also, there is a lot of questionable nature in this book, stuff right out of a harlequin romance novel. I do like books that look at the darker side of things and help to understand a villain more. But this book didn't do that great of a job. It was just okay.
I haven't read this book yet, but I've read two others by him. I think the same issues pop up in his books, harlequin romance issues and points not being wrapped up. I also get tired of his writing style.
I love the broadway cd, so thought the book would be fun. The idea to look at things from the wicked witches point of view is intriguing. (I don't think I know how to spell that 'i' word--the one that means it's filled with intrigue.) I didn't finish it because of the questionable parts.
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