Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Continuation of other post (see other blog)

So our book club meets tomorrow, but since I live with Loralee who is choosing our next book I got found out early what to read. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Loralee told me that she bought it for herself and Joni, this girl in our bookblub whose birthday it was yesterday (referenced on other blog) and that it was so cheap because all the Barnes and Noble classic series were 50% off. They are already really cheap already so I was like awesome. Time to add to my already unread library.

I didn't really set a restriction on myself like I know I should when I go into bookstores. Well, right from the door, do I head to the classics section? No, I go to Journals. I've been wanting to buy a new journal, leather bound and really cool looking. Something that says "this has got some really interesting life stories in it" to my future progeny. Boy will they be disappointed. Especially, if I never write in it which I don't keep a consistent journal. I think the last time I wrote in a journal was over a year ago. I wanted to start one on my birthday and then every year my gift to myself would be a new journal but that didn't happen. Well, back to the journal section. I saw this really cool one that to me said what I wanted it to say but it wasn't leather bound and I really wanted a leather bound one too. As you can see I said too as in also. Yes I bought two journals. They were not that cheap either. One of them will be my travel journal that I take to Europe with me and I think whenever I travel anywhere. It's a small leather bound book so it won't be too cumbersome to take with me.

Okay now it was time to head over to the classics section. I knew exactly where it was because I have bought several things from there. Its not really a section more like a display. I was afraid that it would have ones that I already had but lo and behold it had lots I didn't have but are on my list to read. So I loaded up with Les Miserables, Great Expectations, Heart of Darkness, Count of Monte Cristo, Walden Pond, The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson, and Canterbury Tales. There might be another one in there but I can't remember it at the moment. So I am set for some major classic reading and my arms were overflowing But that's not all. Oh no. I needed to check one more thing.

Our neighbor and Loralee's whatever, David, was telling us (or really Loralee, I was just there) about his reading of F. Scott Fitzgerald's short stories and how good they were. He brought the book over and it is pretty thick with over twenty stories to read. So I decided to see if the store had it. They did but a little pricey. Ah to heck with it, I'm sure I'll really like it. I had never read anything by Fitzgerald before but I decided to be adventurous. Might have been smarter to start off with a smaller more economical book of stories to read but I guess time will tell. Okay that's all. I new I was going to be spending a pretty penny on all these books so I tried talking myself out of getting one of the journals. But I would not be budged. I promised myself that I would write in them and fill up each and every page. My progeny would not be disappointed, well at least not in the fact that there is something to read.

Well, got up to the register and requested that the clerk tell me how much we were at after ringing in all the classics. He did $20. Not bad for all those. So I said keep going. It felt kind of like I was on the Price is Right but I knew I was already gonna lose (hello the prices are right on the books). Next came the Fitzgerald book. That doubled it. "Ooooh" I could hear the audience in my head say as I had possibly made a bad decision. But I said I'm gonna continue, Bob. Don't think that was really the clerk's name but go with me. So next came the journals. Another $35.00. With a grand total of $76.82. "Oh, Cassie, I'm sorry but you have overbid and lost the game", says Bob, "but we have some nice consolation prizes fo ryou, which are these books and a nice debit out of your checking account." Crap I gave him the wrong card.


Cassie said...

I just reread my own post. Is it okay that I laughed at my own writing?

Booklogged said...

I loved the inner dialogue, especially this line, "so I tried talking myself out of getting one of the journals. But I would not be budged." Sometimes it's nice to let the inner child win, but be careful - my inner child has turned into quite the monster and is in total control.

Cassie said...

Lately I let my inner child win because it has been losing on a lot of other things like sleeping in or staying up late.

Alyson said...

I loved the end part about The Price is Right. That was great! I think that's a pretty good deal for all those books. Yeah, you spent more on some, but you got a steal on some others. This is how my inner child logic goes. Mike used to tell me, "You don't have to buy it just cause it's cheap", to which I would respond, "Yes I do!" (By the way, he was talking about a nice knife set that I bought for $6.00 - regular price almost $50).

Have fun reading all your classics and writing in your journals. I see that the journal fetish must run in the family (I think I have 5 that haven't been writen in).

Framed said...

Love the Price is Right bit. I just remembered that I am a signer on your account and therefore legally responsible for your overdrafts. So be careful. I laugh at my own blogs so you should too. Dang, if you don't think they are funny, why would we? Although I think there was one posint I did that everyone said was funny when I hadn't meant to be.

Framed said...

Posint = Posting. Aly, you can tell me what posint meant. It sounds faintly erotic to me. But I am twisted.

Myke Weber said...


Cardine said...

Your ploy worked on me. Loved The Price Is Right analogy.

Alyson said...

1: scar left at the site of a poison injection.

Framed said...

That's exactly what it means. Thanks Aly for keeping my mind out of the gutter.

julie said...

I love the Price is Right bit, too. And, I'm hopelessly addicted to journals, though I must add that I actually WRITE in mine. I have about a million and they are all filled, except the one in which I am currently writing, of course. I'm not going to brag that I've written the most interesting things in them because I haven't. In fact, I bet if I read through them I'd find a lot of repeat stuff (i.e., I need to lose weight, I can't figure out what I want to do with my life, will I ever get married, etc.). I bet my grandkids will start burning my journals after the second or third. Oh well. At least I tried. :)

I agree with Aly, I think you got a lot of bang for your buck during this shopping trip. I'm excited for you to read all those books! Most of them I've read, but there were a couple I hadn't. Happy reading! :)

Cassie said...

I know that I did get a lot for what I paid its just that I really shouldn't have spent that much. Should be saving you know for my little trip that is coming up. Also for the fact that I was close to out of money when I bought them.

Alyson said...

It seems that my spending sprees generally happen when
a: I'm trying to spend money or
b: When I'm just about broke

Alyson said...

I just read the post I left on the 18th and realized I wrote it wrong. It should be:
a: trying not to spend money