Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Turn of the Screw by Henry James

I read this book a couple months ago but forgot to do a reveiw of it so here it is. This book wasn't really that good. A short read about a ghost story. I think maybe I didn't like this book because I didn't read with as intelligent of thought as I should have.

It opened really nicely and with a gentleman saying has a ghost story that really happened to someone he knows that wrote it all down and the party anxiously wants to hear it. So a nice bookend right? Trust me it was.

So the story is about this young woman who takes a job being the governess for two young children with the stipulation that she is never to bother their guardian about anything. He lives somewhere else. So she goes to the children and finds how beautiful and charming they are. They are the perfect children in her eyes but then she starts to see images of people in random places. She knows that they are not really there. Ghosts! And she believes that the children know that they are there too but won't speak of them. So the book is mainly about her fears that these ghosts are influencing these children toward some evil and how she can protect them.

I went onto some websites to get more insight into this book and I have learned more about it but I was a little dissappointed in this book. Maybe just a little too deep for me.

Oh and the nice bookend? It didn't happen. the book just ended.


Booklogged said...

Guess I won't read this book, either.

Anonymous said...

just what i didn't want to hear...
i have to read this book for school. i'm not much a fan of henry james.
anyway thanks for the review