Thursday, May 11, 2006

True Believer by Nicholas Sparks

*Warning: this post contains loads of sarcasm, read carefully.

I listened to this book on c.d. while doing my work at funnily enough, work. I usually like Nicholas Sparks. Okay so I've only read The Notebook (years before the movie came out, I might add). I guess what I mean is that I really like the movies that they adapt from his books. This book wasn't that good to me. The plot was pretty weak and a way cheesy ending that made me want to puke, me who if you read my other blog know I live for that crap.

The story revolves around Jeremy Marsh, a New York columnist who investigates supernatural phenomenons in order to disprove them. Well, his work takes him down to a small southern town which claims to have ghosts in their cemetary. Well where else would they be? These "ghosts" are exhibited by lights that show up when there is a dense fog. During his time down south, a whole four days, he meets and falls in love with a feisty librarian, Lexie, who in turn falls in love with him despite much, okay some, really very little resistance. However, obstacles ensue in the fact that he lives in New York and she lives there. Okay so there is one obstacle, but seemingly unovercomeable (not sure if that is a word but oh well.) Even when he tells her that he loves her and they can work it out whatever it takes, she refuses to believe and pushes him away. And he goes. Finishes his research which unearths a small scandal involving the town and mayor which if Jeremy releases the information, Lexie will never speak to him again. Tough decision. Well, you can guess what happens. Its pretty predictable... Okay they go their separate ways and Jeremy wanting to forward his career over his love life outs the mayor (not homosexually) which makes him super famous and he marries a supermodel while Lexie settles for the town deputy who has been love with her since childhood. Sorry I didn't mean to spoil it for you.

Suffice it to say Nicholas Sparks could have done and has done better. Well, at least in the Notebook, I already admitted I hadn't read anything else of his. Jeez.


Booklogged said...

Thanks for the warning. I have only read The Notebook and didn't like it much. I had heard a lot of good thinks about Nicholas Sparks, so I thought I'd give him another try. I was considering this book, but now I won't.

Framed said...

Read the one about the world tour he takes with his brother. It's pretty good especially the travelogue part. I really want to go to the Machu Pichu. I also read the one that Mandy What's-her-name stars in and liked it better than the movie. A Walk to Remember??

Framed said...

By the way, did I tell you how much I liked your poem?

Cassie said...

Yes, framed you did. I'm glad. I think it does a great job of expressing how I feel.

Alyson said...

Okay, I have finally caught up on this blog. The other day I came here and I couldn't believe how many new posts you had. I guess I've been slacking on checking people's blogs, as well as writing on my own. It's too bad this books wasn't better. The cover looks so nice, but I guess that's why they say ... well you know.