Thursday, April 27, 2006

Book Club!

I recently joined a book club. It wasn't really an intentional thing but my roommate had mentioned that she needed to read this book for a book club and I was like "What book club and what book" So I just threw myself into it. The Great Divorce was the first book that we read. The meeting went great. Its all girls and everyone had really good points and picked out great passages. I was glad I thought to bring my highlighter. I like book clubs even though I don't think I have as many astute points as others do. Sometimes I forget that I am trying to get something out of reading these books besides entertainment. So I will try harder with the next book which is The Life of Pi. I've heard many things about it and I wasn't sure I wanted to read it but this gives me an excuse. Another reason why I like book clubs, it forces me to read books that I would never think to read myself. I usually stick to same genre or whatever. I've only recently seen how great nonfiction books can be but they are still not my book of choice. We are reading one in a few months (although the debate is out as to whether it is nonfiction or not, something on the back cover calls it fiction but my roommate and others who have read it are adament that it has to be true, I thought the same thing about Memoirs of a Geisha though so one must be careful.)

Well, I have to finish House of Mirth before I read Life of Pi. Hopefully I'll get done in time. I'm doing better at spending my break time and lunch hour reading instead of surfing the net (except at this particular moment). So review to be coming soon on that one.

Incidentally, I get to choose what book we read in August. I'm debating to do a book that I've never read but want to or to reccomend Memoirs of Geisha or some other book that I have read so I can have that month free to read whatever I want. Sneaky eh? We'll see.


Anonymous said...

I went to a book club once. There were too many women, I didn't like the book, and I didn't agree with anyone so I felt really stupid. I was smart enough to not say anything. I never went back mostly because I'm a hermit. I'd like to do a book club with a smaller group of people. I'm going to St George in June and we're going to discuss a couple of books then. So we'll see. I'm reading "Memoirs" right now. Not very far along but I am blown away by the beautiful use of the language. What descriptions!! Thanks for giving it to me.

Cassie said...

I'm so glad you like it. I know the descriptions are so great. Really everyone needs to read this book. I think it is my favorite at the moment.

Booklogged said...

I use to attend a book club sponsored by the library. I loved it and looked forward to our monthly meetings. I quit going, when they picked 4 Charles Dickens books in one year. I voiced my opinion that one book a year by an author was plenty. I loved A Christmas Carol (that was the 1st Dickens), but I think a club should expose us to a wide variety of classics and acclaimed contemporary works.

I decided this year to try book club again. The book for the month was The Red Hat Club. Good grief - one of the silliest books I've ever read. I haven't been back since.

Cassie, when you choose the book do you also lead the discussion? I hope you enjoy your club, sounds like fun. I'll be anxious to hear how you like Life of Pi.

julie said...

I've thought about joining/starting a book club. I haven't done anything about it yet because of school. I have some friends that started a blog for their movie club. Maybe we could do that for a book club.

Booklogged said...

Wouldn't that be fun to have an online bookclub?!

Cassie said...

that would be fun. don't know if I could handle two book clubs at a time.

I agree with not liking a book club that only reads one author. How dull would that be?

Alyson said...

I definitely think we should start an online book club. After I read Shaneen's comment I was going to suggest that we could have a small family club, but that would leave out those in other cities, so the online idea sounds great. Do we need a new blog. I know they have blogs that allow more than one person to write posts. Who should we get to make the blog. My mom would probably do a great job at that!! (hint, hint mom)