Monday, March 20, 2006

Joining the Fray

Okay so I know that there are several other book blogs out there but I thought maybe people might like to know what I've been reading and what I liked or didn't like about it. And if you don't, well then its for me to keep track for myself. I don't have a challenge for myself or anything. Or a really composed list. I do have a list of classics that my highschool teacher made up and I will choose from them pretty often because I want to read all the books on that list. (So I guess that is a little bit of a challenge but I don't have a time frame) But then I plan to read books that can be pure entertainment to give my brain a rest. Also, I want to read a poem every day so if one strikes me then I will include it here as well. Well, enjoy and if you want to make recommendations please feel free.


Alyson said...

Yeah, maybe we can all have book blogs. Then I'll never run out of ideas for good books to read. Although, I may get overwhelmed that I won't be able to read all the books I want and just give up. We'll just have to wait and see.

julie said...

I'm not getting a new blog. I tried that once, about dieting, I never told anyone, but it was too hard to keep both up. I'm sure you guys will do better than I did.

Cassie, I LOVE Emily Dickinson. If you haven't read any of her poems, I'd recommend giving them a try. Her latter poems are kind of dark and talk about death, but her earlier poems are quiet pretty.

Cassie said...

I know I do like Emily Dickinson. I will definitely add her to my list of poets.

Booklogged said...

Bill Moyers has a couple of books out that are excellent. He interviews poets during the annual Dodge Poetry Festival and prints a selection of their works. Some of poetry is excellent, but just as good are Moyers comments. The Language of Life features 34 poets and Fooling With Words features only eleven.

Look forward to your comments and suggestions. What are you reading right now?

Cassie said...

Thanks Cheya. I'll have to check that out.